Ring ring

Tips & Tricks by sAmOSkie
Call Duration:
Some new Nokia s40 phones dont show the call duration when a call is in progress. Its really unexpected from a brand like Nokia. Nevertheless, to see the duration press Menu, Log, Call Duration or Menu 271 (when a call is in progress).
File Hiding:
It's a very simple thing to do, so I hope you already know the process. So I'm not describing the process in details here. In case u dont know, just download MobyExplorer and change the attribute of any file as hidden with this application.
Compressing Flash Files:
If you are trying to upload, send or store some of your flash (.swf) files but the total size is too big, then zip (pack) all the flash files into a single zip file with Jzipman or mini commander application. Now calculate and see the change in size. It will be about half of the total size of flash files. It happens because of the high compression ability of flash files.
Transparent Folder:
To make a folder icon transparent, rename the folder and add .otb at the bottom of the name. For example, if the folder name is Gallery then rename it as Gallery.otb and see. (this trick is found by sbrtpand)
Theme Icon in Folder:
Another funny trick. Rename any folder inside your memory card as xxxx.nth (i.e. If the folder name is Images then make it Images.nth ) Now see....

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